Tourism Fernie Home Page
  • Lift access hiking at Fernie Alpine Resort in the summer
  • Nature Bob's Interpretive Centre
  • Nature Bob's Interpretive Tours

Learn about a variety of native flora, wildlife and fossils and explore the Alpine with certified interpreters.

Throughout the local mountain range, there is an abundance of native flora, wildlife and fossils. Without a doubt, the way to learn about these subjects and walk these mountains is with a certified interpreter. Visit the Interpretive Yurt at the top of the Elk Chair, and then take an interpretive guided hike on one of the resort's many trails and gain a deeper understanding of how our valley was formed and how special our ecosystem is. A team of guides will help you discover the secrets of the natural world while exploring the rugged terrain around Fernie Alpine Resort.

Open June 22 - September 2, 2024 for summer operations. 

The Interpretive Centre at Fernie Alpine Resort is named for 'Nature Bob' - Bob Livsey (September 10, 1939 - December 13, 2021) who was a nature guide at Fernie Alpine Resort for over a dozen years. Bob was a certified naturalist interpreter with a background in forestry and a great passion for the mountains. Bob was legendary within the local community as a font of knowledge, and will be remembered fondly by all who encountered him.  

Pick up the Summer Hiking Trail Map

Hardcopies are free and can be found at Fernie Visitor Information Centre, or Guest Services at Fernie Alpine Resort

Fernie Alpine Resort Hiking Trail Map 2019

View Summer Trail Map

The Resort offers a wealth of great summer activities for everyone to enjoy. 

Featured activities & services include:

  • Mountain biking at Fernie Bike Park with 37 marked trails from beginner to expert featuring berms, bridges, ladders, stunts, bumps and flowy downhill rides, lift access and XC trails
    • Full-service resort bike rentals, pads & helmets
    • Bike clinics, camps, lessons & Downhill Development Series
    • Bike events including the BC Cup/Canad Cup DH Race (Dunbar Summer Series) on July 6/7 and SCOTT Wednesday & Thursday Night Race Series plus NEW Intro to Racing.
  • Guided Hiking
  • Resort Hiking Trails
  • Scenic Mountain Chairlift Rides
    •  Elk Chair will run daily plus the return of the TIMBER CHAIR! every Saturday (from July 13), plus Sunday August 4 & Sunday September 1 (long weekends).
  • Nature Bob's Interpretive Centre
  • Outdoor Hard Surface Tennis Courts
  • Kids Outdoor Adventure Camps & Freeride Camps - ask for updates
  • NEW! Elk Grove Forest Playground for kids and families at the top of the Elk Chair!
  • E-Bike/Enduro Uphill Route
  • Contact Information
  • 250-423-4655
  • Contact By Email
  • 5339 Ski Hill Road, Fernie, BC V0B 1M6
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